How To Instal Windows XP/Vista on Virtual Box

Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard!
1.  First of all, run the Virtual Box machine was you instal, then push New button and click NEXT.Virtual Box (

VM Name and OS Type
2.a  Give name whatever you like, i input name Suikoden for example.
2.b  At tab Operating System, choose one of the list OS which will you instal on Virtual Box.
(here i use Microsoft Windows with Windows XP version for example)Virtual Box (

3.  At tab Memory, you have to set how much memory or RAM will you use for Virtual Box. Here i set 512 MB RAM to use for Virtual Box, after you set Memory, then click NEXT.Virtual Box (

Virtual Hard Disk
4.a  Checklist Boot Hard Disk (Primary Master) and,
4.b  Choose Creat new hard disk, after that click NEXT button until you get to tab Hard Disk Storage Type.Virtual Box (

Hard Disk Storage Type
5.  At tab Hard Disk Storage Type, choose Dinamically expanding storage, then click NEXT buttonVirtual Box (

Virtual Disk Location and Size
Now you get on Virtual Disk Location and Size tab 
6.a  Let the name on Location same as default (no need to change it)
6.b  Set how much hard disk you will spend for making hard drive on Virtual Box, then click NEXT Virtual Box (

PS: if you want to instal Windows XP OS, you just need spend 2 GB from your hard disk, but if you want to instal Windows Vista OS, then you will need more GB hard disk to spend up.

Now you already done making hard drive on Virtual Box for instaling your OS there.Virtual Box ( Insert your CD or DVD Windows XP OS, or you can mount OS Windows XP.ISO using nero, Alcohol 120%, or daimontools

7.a  After you insert your CD or DVD Windows XP OS, push or click Settings after then choose System menu 
7.b  Checklist CD/DVD-ROM and Hard Disk on Boot Order: tabVirtual Box (

8.a  After you set the Boot Order: , now choose CD/DVD-ROM menu then checklist Mount CD/DVD Drive
8.b  Choose CD or DVD RAM drive where you insert CD/DVD your Windows XP OS. I insert my cd at DVD-RAM drive (F:) 
8.c  Click OK, then click Start button to start the installation.Virtual Box (

Wait till you finish install your OS Windows, then you will have Windows XP on your Virtual BoxVirtual Box (

11 Tanggapan to “How To Instal Windows XP/Vista on Virtual Box”

  1. brewok Says:

    setelah install OS selesai, trus gimana cara konek ke internet? saya pakai modem usb, gimana cara koneksi internet untuk PC dan VB dengan 1 modem?

  2. JuliviaN Says:

    Punya ane malahan kgak konek sama sekali bro ,.
    padahal pakai Modem Adsl (connector RJ45) ,..
    bisa bantu saya bro , knpa jadi sampai kgak konek” yaaa ?

    • fauzikun Says:

      sayah juga pake modem kok gan, modem sayah MOBI mobile8.
      pas sayah nginstal VB langsung sayah koneksiin modem di main OS, nah nanti di VB nya udah bisa langsung internetan,. (nggak pake nyeting” koneksi di VB)
      emang sih koneksinya gak secepet yang di main OS, tapi lumayan lah 🙂

      nanti sayah pasang deh PrintScreen settingan VB sayah 😛

  3. dude Says:

    untuk ngeload hdd gmn ya caranya? untuk instal software2 yg uda kesimpen di partisi yg lain…

    • fauzikun Says:

      ngeload harddisk gimana maksdunya gan???
      klo harddisk di VB kan kita buat sendiri ngambil space dari main harddisk, tapi klo harddisknya external bisa tuh gan kedetek ma VB nya, kaya ngedetek flashdisk aja gitu 🙂

      klo nginstal software ke VB, biaanya sayah copy-in dulu softwarenya ke Flashdisk trus nyalain add flashdisk ke VB, ada settingannya kok gan di VB nya 😛

  4. RANI Says:

    Materinya kurang jLas …..
    Apa yang ada d’situ semuanya ga ngerti and kLo bisa kterangan Langkah2nya jgan Pke bhs. InggRis dUnkz …
    CintaiLah Bhs. Indo …..

    • fauzikun Says:

      apanya emang gan yang gk jelas??? 😕
      langsung tanyain aja. 🙂

      ni sebenernya bikin tutorial ini buat temen maen game sayah gan (orang luar). jadi bikinnya pake bahasa inggris. :mrgreen:

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